Making The Herdy Five

This weekend we, along with 180 million others, enjoyed watching the Eurovision 2018 Final. Did ewe know that we submitted our own “entry” into the competition? Watch it here!
We’re fans of stop motion animation here at herdy, and ewe can see more of our award-winning films here.
We had a lot of fun making the Herdy Five film, largely because of who we worked with…
Welcome Lily and Rosie
A couple of weeks ago Herdy HQ had some very special visitors join us for the day. Lily and Rosie—13 and 11 respectively—are herdy superfans from Holmfirth, West Yorkshire. They got in touch to see if they could have a ‘behind the scenes’ tour at herdy HQ whilst the family was on holiday in the Lake District.
We wanted to make their day special so together we came up with an idea. We already had five baby herdys complete with wool “afros” dressed for a photo celebrating the Eurovision contest; why don’t we dress them up even more, and make a cool little stop motion film about the “Herdy Five” entering a singing and dancing competition?
Well, Lily and Rosie got to work immediately.
The imagination of youth
We were seriously amazed by the amount of effort that went into the Herdy Five’s outfits, not to mention all the background scenery Lily and Rosie created as well!
With the outfits, scenery and props created - it was time for some action!
That’s right, Lily and Rosie storyboarded the whole thing too. This was probably the first time our co-founder Spencer had ever been directed by kids (or anyone for that matter) and he loved every minute of it!
Hundreds of photos were taken. These were then passed to our resident techy—Ian—to stitch together and create the animation, complete with sound and music. All according to Lily and Rosie’s very comprehensive Directors’ Notes.
We are herdy
We had a wonderful time getting creative with Lily and Rosie, and we think the amazing results speak for themselves. In true herdy spirit they got behind herdy’s mantra “to spread smiles and happiness”. Thank you ‘lovely people’ for making us smile and we hope watching their film makes you smile too.